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Non-Profit Toolkit Blog Series: Part 3F,2 - Resources for Sample Articles of Incorporation and Non-Profit Legal Guidance

Obtaining Sample Articles of Incorporation:

  • Secretary of State Websites: Most state government websites offer resources for non-profit organizations, including sample articles of incorporation specific to your state's legal requirements. Search for "[Your State Name] Secretary of State Non-Profit Forms".

  • IRS Website: The IRS website provides a general template for articles of incorporation, but it's important to adapt this template to comply with your specific state's regulations:

  • Non-Profit Legal Resources: Many legal aid organizations or bar associations offer resources for nonprofits, which may include sample articles of incorporation.


While sample articles of incorporation can be a helpful starting point, it's crucial to consult with an attorney to ensure your articles comply with all applicable state and federal laws.

Additional Resources:

  • National Council of Nonprofits (NCNO): The NCNO provides a wealth of resources on non-profit legal issues, including guidance on articles of incorporation:

  • Nonprofit Law Blog: This blog offers articles and insights on various non-profit legal topics, including articles of incorporation:

Finding Legal Help:

  • State Bar Associations: Many state bar associations offer referral services to connect non-profits with legal professionals experienced in non-profit law.

  • Legal Services Corporation (LSC): The LSC supports a network of legal aid organizations that may offer pro bono or low-cost legal assistance to nonprofits:

  • OR contact us at the Nonviolence International New York's FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE where we can guide you through this prossess:

Remember: Articles of incorporation are a critical legal document that establishes the foundation of your non-profit. Investing in proper legal guidance from the outset can save you time, money, and potential legal headaches down the road.

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