By Gulzada Mitalova
It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, A beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine [1]?…

These lyrics were made famous from the TV-show that still rings a bell for many people who lived out their childhoods in the 1970's and ’80's. Fred Rogers was a puppeteer and ordained minister who was born in Latrobe, Pennsylvania in 1928 [2]. Later in his life he became the host of the television program for children entitled “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” As he was also a music composer, he wrote two hundred songs for his show. Among those songs, “It is a beautiful day in Neighborhood” became a theme for the show [3].
People remember him as a gentle, patient, wise and empathetic person and in one article from The Washington Post, Maura Judkis, whose family knew Rogers personally, says that Rogers had the same characteristics in real life [4]. In this way, his work earned the hearts of children and spread a culture of peace.
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