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The Culture of Peace Timeline


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> 1994
> 1995
> 1996
> 1997
Our Vision
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 The creation of the organization that will later strive for the Culture of Peace. This can be seen in the preamble of its Constitution, which states, “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”


 A statement that humankind is neither inherently violent nor biologically programed to cause war.


The idea to use the term culture of peace was inspired by an educational initiative called Cultura de paz developed in Peru and by the Seville Statement on Violence.  


A meeting that essentially stated that the aims of civilization and society is to strive for peace and interculturalism. Peace is the ultimate and inherent good.


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization holds its Hundred and fortieth Session. On the agenda (Item 5.4.2) is the Culture of Peace, proposed by H. E. Mr Ahmed Sayyad.  


UNESCO Members adopted a Culture of Peace Programme to bring peace to conflict zones.


A call to action for educators to strive for a culture of peace through teaching human rights.


Culture of Peace is launched in El Salvador to recover the country from the war.


First international forum on the Culture of Peace in San Salvador, El Salvador to promote and discuss the culture of peace.


A discussion between important figures and UNESCO to discuss the future of peacebuilding and the challenges being presented at the present moment.  


The Culture of Peace Program attempts to disarm and aid in peacebuilding operation in Mozambique.


UNESCO endorses the material of conference in November, 1995, which outlines a structure for education.


Participants of Tbilisi and UNESCO move towards the ideas of respecting the multifaceted nature of different sovereignties and their qualities.


A discussion between important figures and UNESCO to discuss the future of peacebuilding and the challenges being presented at the present moment.  


Burundi was plagued with violence and devastation, so they committed themselves to the Culture of Peace


discussion of the importance of women’s role in implementing a Culture of Peace and what needs to be achieved to complete a Culture of Peace.  


UNESCO explores the importance of an integrated economy and the implications it has on society and democracy.


The attendees of the conference and UNESCO pledged for education for tolerance, human rights, and democracy.


Federico Mayo declares that unity, justice, science, education and fundamental rights are pivotal for a culture of peace.

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Thank you all who have worked on this incredible capane, here is a list of all who has contributed to the campan direclty

Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name, Position - Full Name,  organizer - Joshua Kirshbaum,


The Culture of Peace movement recognizes the importance and need to make a plan with religious institutions, for their religious sovereignties.


 A meeting the discussed the importance of the Culture of Peace and strategies to bring it about.


A Seminar attended by representatives from the Horn of Africa and Central Africa, namely, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, Central Africa, Uganda, Sudan, UNESCO, the African Group at UNESCO, and civil societies to discuss the issues in Sudan and the promote the Culture of Peace.    


The creation of ‘Roads of Faith’ that aims to create a means for communication between each different faith, which should make religion more inclusive. The theological piece of the Culture of Peace.  


The UNESCO Women and a Culture of Peace Programme was established after the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, to promote gender equality and gather proposals on how to combat the issue.


The participants of the symposium on the fundamental problems in the Sudan declares that Sudan needs to grant its citizens legal rights and upholds UNESCO’s plan to develop peace.     



Second International forum on the Culture of Peace in Manila, Philippine  to promote and discuss the culture of peace.


Resolution to encourage the international communities to strive for a culture of peace with an emphasis on tolerance and empathy.   


The participants of the symposium and UNESCO declare and understand that the people of Sudan need an government that respects their fundamental rights.


Discussions on recommendations and a strategies on moves to promote a Culture of Peace through education.



Ministers of National Defence, Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and armies of the countries of Central America meet with UNESCO Mr. Federico Mayor to discuss and promote the culture of Peace.


(Procurators, Commissioners, Arbitrators, Human Rights Defenders and Presidents of Human Rights Commissions) on Human Rights and a Culture of Peace Declaration of Antigua Guatemala on Human Rights and a Culture of Peace: Ombudsman of Argentina, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico and Puerto Rico discuss and implement  a further elaboration on how one can foster and enhance a Culture of Peace



Human Rights Question, Including alternative Approaches for Improving The Effective Enjoyment of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom (A/51/395): The importance of an effective and concrete  strategy to promote and foster peace and equality, which can only be developed in a collaborative democratic government.


The Central and Eastern European countries implement education reform and dedicate themselves to a Culture of Peace.  


UNESCO declares the importance of Human Rights, the recognition of the efforts of Africa, and the progress of disarmament.


A report of the initiatives that UNESCO are completing in the Culture of Peace across the world. Predominantly quality education in places that it may be hard to provide such an education.



A recognition that the generation at the present moment must make vital changes to ensure that the later generations may enjoy a fuller life and a chance at a culture of peace.


Proclaiming the year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace.


Peace is an inalienable for all of mankind and a diplomatic strategy of positive peace should be implemented to create a Culture of Peace.



A group of experts conveyed in Oslo in 1997  to discuss the matter of gender equality and the role of males. This meeting was later to produce an UNESCO book, “Male roles, masculinities and violence.”

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